jeudi 25 avril 2013

Make something new...

I had this old 50's dress that was all ripped and dying in my closet but I couldn't let it go cause I love the fabric so much!
So I've decided to make something new with it!
And after listening to my awesome ethiopian music I got at the library the other day, I had the idea to make a turban and a little light "jacket" to wear on top on of summer dresses!
I've just cutted off the bottom (skirt) part from the top, and wrapped it around my head making a bun in the front, then I just had to saw the bottom edge of the top so it doesn't go all shit...
and voila!
here's the result!
Even though the patterns are pretty strong, I think it works mixing flowers and black and white graphics!
It makes a great modern African style don't you think?
Now I can go out on this beautiful sunny day and make parisians smile with all my colors! hehe!

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